31 December 2018

People were so dull.

i don't know what they're talking about.
go get a degree, so you can get high paying job.
find a girl, make it into a girlfriend, then get married, having kids, then have a good life.
is that what life is alll about?

that's not my life philosophy.
for me life isn't about; getting degree, get a high paying job, get a good looking girl and marry her and then having kids, so your kids can walk through the path that you've walked before.

BECAUSE, life is all about contribution,
life is about making the society becomes better, more civilized, and also to leave a 'good mark' into the society.

1. life isn't about being egoistic,
like 'i don't care whether i like my job or not, the important thing is that i can get MONEY and do the stuff that i want; and to make a living for my family' because everybody deserves the job that they like. what? 20 years of packing bubble gum? or work in a sweatshop just to make a living for you family? what are you gonna tell to your kids, "listen son, i pack those bubble gum that you are eating, for like 20 years!"

the thing is;
set yourself happy first, then you can make your family happy. (if you consider having a family)

because i've been told by lots of people,
that if you already have a family, you will likely to stick to a job, even if you didn't like it. because you have to make a living for them. (unless you are a son of a rich man or something)

2. life is not about how much materialistic things that you get.
lots of people showed me up their story, or their friend's story, that they get 'tons of salary' so they can buy nice things and go to a nice place. that makes me a little jealous, because of my current financial situation.

but that's not the point,
2.1. actually you can get that 'tons of salary' by yourself, without even working to someone else.
if you want to free, don't work for someone else.
open a business, scale it up, profit, contribute. done.

2.2. you can get a nice and flashy car, but lets think it again, that nice and flashy car also requires a 'nice' maintenance and service budget, that'll suck your money.

the solution? just get one that'll work for your needs, that doesn't too flashy, easy to maintain, and have a good durability. so you don't have to suck your wallet deeply in order to pay maintenance and service fees and the other stuffs that the car needs.

2.3. the above argument is not only for cars, it also applies to the other thing, like house, cellphone, and the another things.
the rule of thumb is; 'buy what you need, not what you want'.

3. life is about contribution
the 'good mark' that i've mentioned in the opening above is about giving 'real' contribution to the other who need it, either tangible or intangible.

you can contribute anything.
you have a lots of money? make a library or school to educate the one who needs. only have some money? give some of them to the church, the priest, the mosque, to the needy.
don't have some money to give? do volunteer. have some catfood? give it to stray cat who lives in the road.

or, in the simplest form, help your friend out of his problem, either he or she is in the debt or the other kinds of problems. because if people have a problem they needs either one of this things or both:

3.1. they needs the help
your friends need to borrow some money?
your friend needs you to accompany her to a movie?
then give them the thing that they want, they'll be happy, and also they'll might be there if someday you need help from them.

3.2. they just need a listener
one of your old pal just have broke up with his girlfriend?
your friend's cat is died and she want to vent to you?
then listen to them, understand what's their problem, then ONLY give an advice if they asked you. (or say "do you mind if i give you an advice?")

Live isn't about being egoistic
about doing the things that you didn't like in order to make a living.
about just get a girlfriend and married and having a family (it's okay if you want to go to that way, but always remember; make yourself happy, then they)
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